Our team is dedicated to creating the best hiring experience possible for you and your team by sourcing top-notch candidates from our exclusive first-party network.
Libby Moyer
Director Former college soccer player turned Accountant turned Recruiter, because let's face it... people are more interesting than numbers. I moved to Utah to ski in the best snow on earth and be close to incredible national parks. My current obsession is Suits.
Talent Partner I've worked in a variety of staffing industries including insurance, dental, and industrial -- but my specialty is Marketing & Advertising. The way I power through the day is with a pitcher of unsweetened iced tea with lemon and Nicki Minaj.
Business Development One thing that has been a constant over the course of my career is that I'm passionate about helping people. I've lived in Cleveland, Ohio almost my entire life and my passions are music, movies/TV, and sports. Go Cavs, Browns, and Guardians!